
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Finding our Rhythm.

Finding our rhythm. My little sweet babe is 6 months now. How our worlds have changed. We are still up all night. In bed early. And smiling the whole way through it. I love his sweet baby smell. His soft skin. His fine hair. His personality explodes more and more every day. We know what he doesn't like, what he likes - and what he loves. Right now his favorite thing in the whole world is our sweet pug Charlotte. He loves to giggle and coo at her. He's also quite into his reflection in the mirror. We moved into our own little nest last July - we bought a townhouse. It has been so lovely to sink our toes down into this home - to know we will be here for awhile. Growing, changing - life is wonderful. Not always perfect, or easy - but this life is wonderful.