
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday Inspiration

I felt this quote was perfect for a bit of Thursday Inspiration.

When I used to ride the bus to and from work I would glance at fellow passengers and wonder what their story was. If I was having a really crummy day coming home I would wonder if they were too. No matter how big I feel my problems are at times I know someone else has a heavier weight to carry on their shoulders.

I also wanted to say Happy Canada day tomorrow! Fellow Canadians I hope you will be out and about showing off your beautiful Canadian pride. We are planning on going to a few celebrations and soaking up some ocean air.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Beets Please!

I am a bit of seed hoarder. I have seeds as far back as three years now. I can never plant every seed in the packet, I always save 1 or 2 for my collection. This spring I had pretty much all the seeds I needed for my garden, I only purchased a few heirloom lettuce seeds and some sweet peas. I was on the lookout for awhile for beet seeds with no luck. Before Christmas I purchased some lovely seeds from the Etsy store Cubits for my Sister in law's gift. Cubits is a Canadian (yay) organic small seed business. I picked out a mixed beet seed packet from them. And because I live life dangerously I went with their mixed beet seeds featuring a mix of their organic beet seeds.

I was so pleased when they recently sprouted. I love that already I can tell there are at least three types of beets growing. I still have a few more seeds waiting to sprout!

A green topped beauty with a deep red bottom.

This lovely sprout has green leaves that turn to red with a deep red/purply base. Do you see the little bug under the leaf? I didn't notice that little guy when taking the photograph!

This gorgeous sprout in front is all purple/red with some green leaves on the bottom.

Lastly, not beet related but my leaf lettuce is looking splendid.

If you are gardening nerd I'm sure you can relate to the splendid feeling of the effort it takes to sow and water and care for little seedlings and have results. Makes my heart pitter patter.

Hope you are having a wonderful start to the week!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Sunday evening has arrived. I am pleased to say this is my last week at work and then I am on vacation. My excitement is bubbling.

This weekend I held a three week old newborn. Gosh it was lovely.
We played Mario Kart with friends, that game can be so addicting.
I went to the fabric store alone, which I always love doing and picked out a nice cotton print on sale. Just because it was Sunday.
I sewed for hours to realize I had done everything kind of wrong (there was a zipper fiasco). So now I need to buy a stitch ripper because I can't seem to find mine.
I consumed a grande Starbucks green tea frap.
I also had a delicious maple donut. Lots of treats this weekend!
There was some time spent in the garden lovingly weeding and watering. I also mounded up some soil for my potato plants. The picture at the top of this post is an Instagram photo of that.
We had some sunshine today so I hung a load of laundry on the line. I love the way my towels smell right now from the fresh breeze.

The pug and I also played in the grass for awhile. She'll chew on just about anything.

How was your weekend?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Vintage Pyrex Love

I adore vintage Pyrex. I have quite a few pieces already and I feel like every month or two I add a new piece. After work today I felt compelled to stop at my local thrift shop for a little gander.

I had been on the lookout for a pot to use for my morning breakfast oats. I have been using our small stainless steel sauce pot, but this pot is our only small pot in the house and having it in use all of the time was becoming inconvenient.

I found this beauty to solve pot problem solution (gosh I'm a nerd). I love these vintage Pyrex pots. My mother has one of the larger ones in this color that she still uses. This was the first time I had come across one this small before. Perfect for breakfast for 1 or 2 and for 3$ It was a steal.

I also scooped up this Pyrex bowl. It was discounted because of the staining on it and I was convinced I could get the staining off. So far I haven't had any luck. Any ideas? I don't want to use anything too abrasive because I don't want to chip the paint.

I also purchased another basket. I have a few of these beauties now. They are so handy to have around the house and make laundry much easier.

Have a wonderful restful weekend. We are going to enjoy a nice dinner tonight and have plans to go see a friends newborn baby (swoon). I hope to also get to visit good friends and maybe watch a scary movie.

What are your weekend plans?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Late Wednesday Inspiration

This photograph sums up exactly how I'm feeling about design lately.

  • Love the white. Gosh white on white on white. So clean and fresh.
  • I love penny tiles. And subway tiles. When I one day get to renovate a bathroom I will hopefully get to use both of these mediums.
  • I love that open window. The window itself looks vintage and warn, but so lovely. Natural light is breathtaking.
  • I adore the versatility of white spaces. You can introduce one pop of color and suddenly the mood is completely different.
  • Lastly this space feels so clean to me, but not sterile. Rather cozy. I can imagine myself spending hours in a hot bubble bath in the winter months.
Sigh. I definitely feel inspired now.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Strawberry Jam

Strawberry season is upon us. For the last few years I have celebrated by making strawberry jam. I made a large batch a few nights ago for some end of year gifts for my co workers. I didn't use a fancy recipe, just the one provided on the pectin box.

Now I have about 2 dozen of these beauties. Not bad for a nights work.

Happy Tuesday friends, summer is finally here.

What have you been up to in the kitchen?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday Morning

I awoke Saturday morning at about 6:50 am to the sound of pouring rain. We have had a bit of sunshine lately which made this downpour unexpected. Barry and I were up fairly late the night before and my bones were tired but I couldn't find anymore sleep. Does this ever happen to you? So with about 6 hours of sleep I crawled out of my warm bed and put on my rain coat. I ventured outside to take some rainy morning photographs. I have felt inspired lately to take more photographs, I'm forcing myself to learn how to use the manual mode on our camera and figure out how to use ISO and aperture.

My lovely rain barrel was overflowing.

Squash bloom sheltering itself from the rain.

After I dried off I came inside and made a cup of tea in one of my favorite mugs.

The house was silent for another 2 hours before anyone (including the pug) stirred from their slumber. I enjoyed the time alone.

How do you spend quiet mornings?

Have a wonderful Sunday.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Breakfast Porridge

Oh the breakfast porridge thing.
I have been a little smitten with it. I thought I would share the exact process (it's very scientific).

For two servings you need,
1 cup whole rolled oats (not ground up oatmeal oats)
2 tbl ground flaxseed (optional)
1 cup water
1 cup milk

Optional toppings,
Maple syrup
Yogurt to stir in
A pat of butter
Chopped nuts and fruit
Vanilla extract

The night before I take a pot with a fitting lid and pour in the one cup of oats. To that I add 2tbl of ground flaxseed and one cup of water. Leave overnight. The next morning the liquid should be absorbed. Add 1 cup of milk and heat on medium high. I simmer this for about 2-3 minutes as I don't like mine very thick. That's it! Enjoy with oodles of toppings. My favorite is raisins and maple syrup. Simple and delicious.

Why soak the oats?
In the book Nourishing Traditions by Mary G. Enig and Sally Fallon there is quite a bit discussion over gluten intolerance and soaking grains. Most people have a hard time digesting gluten. I still haven't figured out if I have an intolerance, I have been considering getting tested. Many people who are gluten intolerant can digest grains that have been soaked. Soaking grains (like the oats in this recipe) makes them much easier on the gut.

Another reason to soak the oats would be that old fashioned rolled outs that generally take awhile to cook up. Soaking them makes them basically an instant food. When I'm groggy and half awake in the morning I love that I can just pop the oat pot on the stove and have it ready instantly. I have also been soaking oats to add into waffle recipes.. mmmm!

In other news my squash plant bloomed. I have a second little bud on the plant too. I've never successfully grown a squash, I think perhaps this may be my year!

My leaf lettuce is also kicking butt. Thankfully we've had some much needed sunshine lately.

Kitty has been enjoying the sun just as much as my baby plants.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Inspiration

Summer tunic dress. I am madly in love with this dress. Repinned by me, however originally from Jennifer Vallez via Pinterest.

I love this watercolor. I keep going back and drooling over it. I'm pretty sure it will eventually be mine. From this lovely Etsy shop.

Have a wonderful start to the week!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fabric Love

Happy Sunday!
I hope your weekend was restful and rejuvinating. Our weekend felt very busy and rushed. I am hoping for an easy coming week.

Yesterday I went to a few fabric shops with my Mum. I have some sewing plans this summer and these lovely fabric pieces will certainly be used in them.

I loved this pattern so much. I think this fabric will become some cute pot holders or oven mitts.

This print was so fun and had a bit of a vintage feel to it. I haven't decided what it will become. Under this fabric is a lovely teal fabric that wouldn't photograph nicely (the print is rather light).

These next few fabrics are actually from Stampin' Up. I adore how feminine they look.

I purchased this lovely set for my summer quilt project. This set of fabrics is called Breakfast at Tiffany's. I think it's a fitting title for such lovely vintage prints.

Have a restful night tonight friends, tomorrow life begins once more.


Friday, June 10, 2011


I have just launched a new look for this little blog. What do you think of it?

I have been madly in love with white lately. What better way to share my inspiration then here!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Good For You Food

Lately I have been thinking a lot about good food, or whole foods. Foods that our grandparents ate. Mainly foods that don't require artificial preservatives, flavorings or colorants. I think eating well is a daily effort, and for the most part we can't be perfect. Without things like blended iced coffee drinks, slushies and the occasional burger with fries I would go crazy - these are my comfort foods. I am enjoying for the most part eating whole foods with as few processed elements as possible (and having an occasional cheat day in there too).

I feel a bit like a pioneer or amazon woman when I make meals all from scratch. The feeling is empowering. I can provide!

Potatoes Gratin from Nourishing Traditions page 409

Balsamic Carrot Salad page 194

Gosh I'm in love with this book. I've mentioned Nourishing Traditions a few times, but I really am in love with it. Nourishing Traditions is a cookbook (including over 600 recipes) as well as an encyclopedia of information on foods. There is a general emphasis within this book on eating as our families did 100 or more years ago - cutting down on the preservatives and artificial junk. The book does not however limit fat, instead it encourages the consumption of milk and cheese and butter! Oh gosh how I love butter. The book also encourages soaking grains (which we are now doing) as well as transitioning to a gluten free diet (which I can't do but we are making some efforts). I have learned so much by reading this book including so much new knowledge about probiotics and kefir grains. I love finding something truly inspiring and relate-able that I can apply to our lives.

I couldn't help but take a photo of my breakfast this morning. It was delicious and lovely.

Breakfast Soaked Oats (Nourishing Traditions) with chopped up dried apricot and ground flax seed with a side of sliced nectarine. Just what I need to start my day.

Have a wonderful day!