Monday, August 22, 2011

Rainy Monday

I awoke this morning at about 6:50 am to the sweetest sound. There was a faint pitter patter of rain. We haven't had rain in a few weeks here - and I have to admit I've missed it oh so much. There is something so romantic about a heavy rain downpour. I've spent this morning snuggled with the pug on the couch enjoying the sounds of rain and knitting.

I ran outside to snap a picture of the beautiful water beading on my broccoli plant leaves. I am completely drenched from a mere 60 seconds in the rain. It feels delightfully refreshing.

I think I'm having a bit of an affair on my camera with Instagram. I love the convenience of taking photographs from my iphone and editing them right away.

I hope your day is relaxing and lovely.


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