
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kate's Paperie

Kate's Paperie is a gorgeous shop specializing in paper goods and other unique items. From what I can tell they only have locations in New York, but they do have an online shop. Their items make me swoon.

My favorites,
Recycled leather notebooks. I adore all of the different colors.

You know the pen necklace Joan wears in madmen? I'm a little bit smitten over it. It isn't a regular tacky pen on a laynard, it's almost like a piece of jewelry.

I hope that was a bit of lovely Sunday inspiration. Have a wonderful day!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy Friday!

This eve we went to Steveston for some yummy fish and chips. We sat on a bench and dined, watching the boats come in and out of the marina. It was romantic and lovely. Summer has finally hit Vancouver and the warmth is inspiring.

Have a wonderful weekend friends! And a wonderful long weekend to my fellow Canadians. Do you have any fun plans?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Burning House

There is this blog, The Burning House. This site has captured my imagination for months now. The premise is simple,

"If your house was burning, what would you take with you? It's a conflict between what's practical, valuable and sentimental. What you would take reflects your interests, background and priorities. Think of it as an interview condensed into one question."

The photographs people submit are breathtaking and so interesting.

Some of my recent favorites,

The description for this photo is so lovely,

"I wondered around my house, looking at the ornaments and memories that filled it. I collected a few things, even photographed them. But somehow they didn’t seem to fit together. And then I looked down, at my feet, and realized that all I needed or wanted to ‘save’ from the burning house was me."

A few months back I took my Burning House Photo but then got nervous, and decided not to apply. I think I am mostly nervous that my photo wont get approved and make it to the blog. Many of the submitters are professional photographers and have gorgeous photos. Today I felt ready, and re took my photo. Even if I don't get accepted I am still pleased to share it with you.

My submission,

Name: Amber
Age: 23
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Occupation: Education Assistant and lover of life.
Website: http://fromtheseeds.blogspot.com/


I spent a lot of time thinking about what items I would select if put in the burning house situation. I piled all of the items on my couch and took a few photographs. I slowly started really thinking about what I would take and began pulling items away until I was left with the few in the photograph. Before any possession I would save my kitty and sweet pug first. They both refused to sit for a photograph.

  • My laptop. I would be lost without my laptop, hundreds of photographs and countless words would be lost.
  • Iphone.
  • Passport.
  • Engagement ring.
  • Shoes on the way out.
  • White linen hand dyed and hand sewn wrap. I find this wrap/scarf so comforting, I think given a stressful situation it would help a great deal.
  • Current knitting project. My hands always have to be busy.

Wish me luck, I would be thrilled to be featured on this blog. While I wait to hear back if I was approved, go check out The Burning House! It is such an interesting look at people, and what they would take in the situation of a burning house.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Summer Quilt

I mentioned my summer quilt project here and here and even here. I spent a few days cutting out about 200 of the white squares that I needed for the project. I already had my lovely contrast fabric details that were pre cut for me that I bought together.

Work has finally begun on the quilt blocks. I've made 20 or so and have only about 6 more to go.

I've made the quilt so far with frugality in mind. I spent 12$ on the pack of beautiful fabric that I'm using for the middle of the block. The white fabric I was going to buy by the yard, but instead I opted to buy 2 Ikea white sheets and just cut them up. The two sheets totaled 8$. I also spent 6$ on the lovely vintage sheet which is behind the quilt blocks in the photograph. I'll be using that sheet for the backing of the quilt. So far my total is about 26$, and all I have left to buy is some batting for the middle. I'm hoping this will be relatively inexpensive.

I cant wait to share some photographs when the quilt is finished.

Are you working on something fun and creative?


Monday, July 25, 2011

A Painted Door

I'm dreaming today about all of these lovely painted doors.

Beautiful buttery yellow. I love the distressing near the bottom of the door.

A gorgeous modern pink door. I don't think this is something I would ever do but it is so lovely and bold.

Green? This door reminds me a bit of celery. I love all of the contrasting white around it.

Red, oh gosh yes please. I love a red door. Usually you see red as the front door, but I love that this pop of red is inside.

This last photo is my favorite painted door inspiration. Doesn't this space look nesty? I love that little basket to the left with linens in it.

Have a wonderful start to the week! Summer has finally hit here and we are expecting some warm weather.


Thursday, July 21, 2011


I am still on my wonderful summer vacation. There is something very liberating about waking up in the morning and designing your day exactly the way you want it to go. Most of the time it doesn't turn out as perfect as I envision, but it is truly fabulous. I am slowly working my way through a list I created that includes all of the things I want to accomplish with my time off. I blogged a little about that list in my Quilting Inspiration post. My list is a lot longer then the one I described there, but I am happy to report that I can cross one project off.

I have learned a little bit about knitting.

This is just a simple Garter Stitch. So far I have just knitted squares, this is a slightly bigger square. I'm thinking it might be a nice face cloth. Isn't it wonderful making something from simple materials?

I have worked a little on my quilt. All of the squares are cut out and stacked up on my sewing table waiting to be sewn. I need some more motivation to start that project!

I have always dreamed of painting a water color. I love how happy and cheery water colors look. So here are my recently purchased supplies. I'm excited to listen to some soft music and paint something simple and fun.

Accompanying me today while painting is delicious homemade iced tea. I used this recipe from Babble.com. I have to say it tastes pretty fabulous.

Mmmm steamy tea steeping.

I added the juice of two lemons to the pitcher of iced tea.

Are you on vacation?
Do you have any projects that you dream of accomplishing?
What is your idea of the perfect day?
I'd love to hear your thoughts <3

Have a wonderful Thursday!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Livet Hemma Wednesday Inspiration

It has been awhile since I mentioned the lovely Ikea run blog Livet Hemma. In May I blogged about A Pause In The Pastel which featured some of their photographs that made my heart pitter patter. One of the things I love most about this blog is I can purchase everything that inspires me in their photographs, and I can be assured it will be affordable. From my previous post I purchased the lovely enamel water pitcher and am still considering the Ofelia blanket.

I love that I can come back to this blog time and again and it never stops inspiring me.

I love the way the blog translates to English. This is the description for the photograph below.

"In the interval between farming and greenhouse påtning is a true respite. Full of oxygen and wonderful smells, it is a nice place to just be on. You can sit in there and really see how it grows around you! Some small botanical images or plant books to browse contributes to nature's tranquil ambience. A creaky wicker chair fits into the picture of a lush place, and Byholma armchair ages beautifully in the greenhouse climate."

All images are via the Livet Hemma blog.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Monday, July 18, 2011

I Love a Grey Couch

source $1,119

I have been dreaming lately of a beautiful grey couch. Indulge with me.

source $1,599

I love how nesty this space is. I want to snuggle up on that grey couch.



Have a wonderful start to the week!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Rainy Morning

A sweet simple rainy morning.

Happy Thursday! Can you believe the weekend is almost upon us?

I spent today with my bestie which produced oodles of laughter and a delicious stop at Starbucks. I love the feeling of being around someone who completely gets you as much as you get them. Friendship is a fabulous thing.

I hope you have a wonderful restful evening. Loves!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Cozy Cabin

I dream of living in a cozy cabin at times.

I'm certain nature will be my inspiration.

And it will be cozy, oh so cozy. I'll have a room ready for any visitors who want to stop by.


We'll make tea and bake pies from berries we've picked outside.


Sunlight will fill every room.


The seasons will come and go, and life will always be serene.

Perhaps one day. A gal can dream.

I hope you are having a wonderful week!